BHL Bogen

BHL Bogen
BridgehouseLaw LLP - Your Business Law Firm

Monday, March 27, 2006

Scalia macht den "Effenberger" - the "hand gesture dispute"

Am Wochenende ereignen sich bekannterweise die Skandale.

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia verwendete eine sog "Italian hand gesture" am Sontag, als er nach dem Verlassen eines Gottesdienstes auf seine Kirchengewohnheiten angesprochen wurde.

Doch was er genau machte, blieb dem Leser erspart. So pruede ist dann doch dieses Amerika, dass es Dinge nicht klar beim Namen nennt.

Dem Bericht des "The Boston Herald" wurde entnommen, das es eine "obscene gesture under his chin" gegeben habe .. und alle dachten nur an den "Effenberg oder den "middle finger".


Und dann kamen sogar die Gerichtsnachrichtensprecher an die Arbeit. Zitat: "It was a hand off the chin gesture that was meant to be dismissive," so jedenfalls die Aussage der Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg. Was das wohl bedeuten mag?

Klar ist wohl, was Scalia sagte "You know what I say to those people?" war die Aussage von Scalia kurz vor der Geste..."That's Sicilian."

Schonschlimm, da ist ma in der Kirche und wird bei dem herausgehen von Reportenbelaestigt, wenn man denen sagt, was man von der Frage haelt, dann ist die Geste bereits eine Nachricht wert.

Keiner haette sich mit der Nachricht "Scalia in der Kirche" zufriedengegeben. Es klingt so, als wenn ein Sensationsmacher bei der Arbeit war. motto: "wie aergere ich um dann die Reaktion des Geaergerten als Nachricht auszuschlachten". Nicht die feine Art und schon gar nicht an einem Sontag!


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Mom Settles Wrongful Death Suit With Sons

A woman on trial for allegedly murdering her psychologist husband has agreed to pay $300,000 to two of her three sons to settle a wrongful death lawsuit.

Mother and wife killed father and huspand and now pays the children?

Strange case?

Here are a few details: Susan Polk, 48, said she killed her husband in self-defense after years of abuse. Two brothers then filed a civil suit over the death of their father, Felix Polk, 70. Also they are both testifying for the prosecution in their mother's murder trial.

The settlement came to light last week as Susan Polk, who is representing herself at her trial, was cross-examining her youngest son, 19-year-old Gabriel Polk.

Touchy family ...

But here is one more: The couple's third son, Eli Polk, 21, is expected to testify for the defense and did not join the civil suit.

Well the case is over now ... the civil matter only!

Court limits search power

The Supreme Court ruled 5-3 this week (3/22/06) that it is unconstitutional for police without a warrant to search a home. So why this new?

Here is the factual specialty: two occupants are present at the time and one consents but the other objects. The search may not go forward in the face of that objection, but the occupant must be present to have the objection count.

This was the decision of the US Supreme Court written by Justice David H. Souter and it was a part of the ruling in Georgia v. Randolph (04-1067). It took all day as this was the only decision of the day in an argued case.

What does it mean for you in business terms? If you are a business person and your office is searched, it is better to object warrantless search even if the receptionist allowed the police to enter.