BHL Bogen

BHL Bogen
BridgehouseLaw LLP - Your Business Law Firm

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Have you tried fritz-kola?

Fritz-kola is a German-based company that produces and sells high-quality, all-natural, and sustainably sourced soft drinks. The company was founded in 2002 by two friends, Lorenz Hampl and Mirco Wolf Wiegert, who were dissatisfied with the taste and quality of the soft drinks available on the market at that time.

The name Fritz-kola is actually a combination of two different sources of inspiration for the founders of the company, Lorenz Hampl, and Mirco Wolf Wiegert. The founders decided to listen to their future customers to choose the drink’s name. They came up with a list of possible names that were related to Hamburg and northern Germany: Alster kola, after the lake; Elbe kola, after the river; Northern kola… and Fritz, the name of the ordinary German par excellence.  @fritz-kola 

Thank you, Colin Verba, for producing this Morning Musing

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