I am just reading a press release of the law firm of David P. Meyer & Associates Co. LPA. They inform about their law suit against Apple Computer, Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL - News) for for alleged iPod Nano defects.
The claim in a nutshell: Apple marketed and distributed defective iPod Nanos.
This does not surprise me. Every product is defect once in a while. This is why a warranty was created. So what is this suit all about?
The suit alleges the company's new iPod Nano is defectively designed, allowing the screen to quickly become scratched with normal use.
Scratched? This is all about optical appearance or about a real defect? Or is the question of looks vs. functionality?
According to the complaint, Apple advertised and marketed the Nano as being impossibly small and durable; however, in an effort to make the device as small as possible Apple allegedly compromised the quality of the Nano.
The press release quotes David P. Meyer, co-lead attorney for the proposed class: "We intend to prove that in an effort to rush the iPod Nano to the market, Apple ignored obvious defects in the design and later tried to cover up negative responses received from consumers," said Meyer. "We seek to recover money lost in purchasing this product as well as the $25 fee Apple has imposed on those who have returned their product after it became unusable."
My question is now where to buy thousands of used ipod for less than 25 Dollars ;-)
Enjoy the fun of litigation. Is there anybody out there who ownes such iPod? Well if so, you are a part of this law suit.
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