BHL Bogen

BHL Bogen
BridgehouseLaw LLP - Your Business Law Firm

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

“How are you?” or "Wie geht es Dir/Ihnen?" - One Question, Two Sides

“How are you?” - Often perceived as superficial or strange, especially when talking to people from across the pond, “how are you?” is a simple and friendly way of greeting. And if one is honest, is it really that bad?

In Bhutan people greet each other by saying “Is your body well?” whereas in Botswana the appropriate phrase would be “How did you wake?”. Perhaps one should take it for what it is, a nice greeting which can be very crucial when it comes to business etiquette.

It is essential that one gets to know his potential business partner by asking him about his family or health. By taking such steps, one will earn the loyalty and respect of his dialog partner which is vital to close the deal.

But at times the question "how are you?"is simply just that, an invitation to tell more about one's well being.

“Wie geht es Dir/Ihnen?” - Eine einfache Frage, die nicht selten für Verwunderung unter Nicht-US-Amerikanern sorgt. Dabei herrschen in manch anderen Ländern weitaus obskurere Begrüßungsformeln.

Aber ganz gleich, ob man sie für leicht oberflächlich oder seltsam halten mag, so sind Fragen über das Wohlergehen des potenziellen Geschäftspartners selbst oder seiner Familie unerlässlich, um ein Vertrauensverhältnis zu erschaffen und schlussendlich einen erfolgreichen Geschäftsabschluss herbeizuführen.

Und manchmal ist die Frage “Wie geht es Dir/Ihnen?” tatsächlich genau das, eine Frage danach wie es einem geht.

(c) Picture: Nutdanai Apikhomboonwaroot -

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